Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Watch Review at F.O.G.

Alien foes stalk suburbia and four regular guys—as 'regular' as people like Ben Stiller can be—must smoke out the invaders. How was such a film received among the Paranoid Community? Learn more on ways the perpetually insecure are reacting to this 20th Century Fox comedy as Forces of Geek presents "Reviews of Films I Have Never Seen." Read it right now or you'll be placed under furtive observation by 'them.' (Image:
All that stands between invasion and destruction are four men in identical jackets. Obtain more details by seeing The Watch.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Watch Salutes Paranoid Awareness Month

Those who believe nebulous infernal forces lurk behind every event are finally honored by filmmakers in this week's release of The Watch. Tomorrow read how the hyper-anxious and irrational finally receive their cinematic due at Forces of Geek's very own "Reviews of Films I Have Never Seen," your hottest fictional recaps of the latest movies. (Image:
Four neighborhood watch guys must suss out invading aliens from suburbanities in 20th Century Fox The Watch

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Dark Knight Rises Review Up at F.O.G.

Nolan has done it again. Combining big buck CGI and art house techniques, he's transformed the final edition of his Batman trilogy into a red-hot show stopper. See as much of it as you can. Why a complete screening may be a problem is fully explained in this week's "Reviews of Films I Have Never Seen." (Image:
Afraid of the dark? That could be an issue when viewing The Dark Knight Rises.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Knight Falls Early in Trilogy Capper

He's dark, he's a knight, he's fighting public and private blackness. Director Christopher Nolan seizes upon Bruce Wayne's gloom, employing it in clever cinematic ways. Learn exactly how tomorrow at Forces of Geek as "Reviews of Films I Have Never Seen" examines this weeks release of The Dark Knight Rises. (Image:
Batman relaxes by punching a WWF wrestler in The Dark Knight Rises.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

New Ice Age 4 Review Up at F.O.G.

Execs and creatives clashed over the direction of the latest Ice Age film, leading to a compromise tale that may very well please someone. Read more behind-the-scenes buzz as Forces of Geek presents your hottest fictional peek into the newest movies at "Reviews of Films I Have Never Seen." (Image: fanpop)

Fox's latest installment is marred by creative tiffs and Facebook unfriendings.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

New Ice Age Mired in Creativity

Scat grabs his nut in one of the more exciting scenes from Fox's latest Pleistocene pic.
So many hands in the CGI broth. Learn the grim details behind the creation of Fox's latest version of Ice Age: Continental Drift tomorrow as Forces of Geek presents the informative, insightful Reviews of Films I Have Never Seen. (Image: filmofilia)

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Collaborator Review Up at F.O.G.

Only you can halt audience flight.

Auteurs attention! Like being the big honcho on-set, huh? But are you prepared to keep audience butts in their seats at any cost? Go now to "Reviews of Films I Have Never Seen" and study the write-up of Martin Donovan's premier opus. Acquaint yourself with what one actor-director-writer did to prevent his film from plunging into the Tartarus of Gabby Town.  (Image: 

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Collaborator Free Fall Averted

When the editor falls asleep cutting your movie, you must step boldly into the unknown.
 Tomorrow turn to Forces of Geek and the always insightful Reviews of Films I Have Never Seen and learn how a dialogue-heavy, filmed play was transformed into a motion picture by a green director who mulishly ignored the impossible. (Image: techprone)

Happy Birthday, USA!

I'm reading David McCullough's 1776 and feel grateful to those who believed freedom and individual liberty were important enough to risk everything on 236 years ago. For example, Henry Knox was 25-years old and owned a book shop in Boston. Yet he conceived and supervised a plan to drag cannon from upstate New York in the winter and over mountains to Boston where their presence compelled the British to evacuate. Thus he became Washington's Chief of Artillery. Thank you Henry Knox and many others for your dream and the courage to pursue it.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Savages Review Up at F.O.G.

Drawing upon "The Brady Bunch," studio marketing showcases cast members.
Strange doings on the set bedevil production as Stone unleashes his inner Castro. In other related news, this movie featured the lowest number of law suits against John Travolta in some time. Read more, learn more, go now to "Reviews of Films I Have Never Seen."

Image: Film Filia

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'Twas suggested I post a few episodes of my work in a pleasant spot. I've chosen here. Sadly, not everything I've written has y...