Friday, July 11, 2008

Jamie Weinman Opines on Freakazoid

Critic Jamie Weinman weighs in on why certain animation fans find Freakazoid! less objectionable than Animaniacs.

In Freak's second season, the popularity issue was explored in the following manner:

Thursday, July 10, 2008

News From the Big "C" Front

Ten days before running the San Diego Marathon, TNT teammate Stacy got walloped with a breast cancer diagnosis. She chronicles her journey here. Stop by and lend your support to a brave gal.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Training in the Heat

An accurate description of yesterday's late afternoon run at a balmy 95 degrees. I took it easy and neither quit nor forced my training schedule into unfavorable conditions. A maturing runner's approach, if I do say so.

With multiple writing projects, I've been devoting small amounts of time to each over the last few weeks. I've noticed a tipping point. After a certain period, the subconscious has digested the material and suddenly answers pour forth. It doesn't write itself, but the road opens before you. Like much in life, the key seems to be consistency.

Powerful in small amounts, like compound interest or laxatives.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

27 Years Ago

In Hollywood, at the Chula Arms Apartments, on July 5, 1981, the tenants decided to throw a party. Among them were the Dutchman and myself. We took a Sparkletts water bottle and filled it full of white wine, bought a ton of beer, and invited thirsty friends. We even hung out a banner facing the next door apartment. The banner suggested our neighbors alert the police and complain about the noise. Helpfully, it listed a number to call. (Though the number was for the Griffith Park Pony Rides.) In any case, the Dutchman and I started out in the afternoon, drank into the evening, walked to a nearby bar and closed it, then stopped off for a night cap in the apartment of an 88-year-old World War I veteran. After singing a rousing medley of "Over There," "It's A Long Way to Tipperary," and other period songs, the police finally showed up. They politely applauded our choral efforts, then asked us to hold it down. We did as the Dutchman and I passed out and didn't wake up until August.

Just remembering all that makes me grab for the Alka Seltzer.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Lost and Binary

My data, that is. Now the tech guy is saying lots of info has turned to hash. Fortunately, most of my writing is backed up. But all my financial stuff for the last three years hangs in the balance. Everything was fine until I installed Leopard back in May. Then the crashings commenced.

MDW points out that between the two of us, we've bought nine Macs over the years. They sort of owe us . . . you'd think.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Freakazoid DVD Update

Tom Ruegger investigated further and learned there are issues with music clearance. ("We'll Meet Again" could be a big fat headache.) Rumor now is that interviews will be shot this fall with the second-season DVD slated to"street" in 2009.

But Comic Con is still a go.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Mac Smacked

After a morning of colored wheels and crashing, I fear my four-year-old laptop hovers between this world and the next. For, lo, its day has come; its poised to join the Choir Eternal; it shambles slowly toward the laptop graveyard.

In short, I need a new hard drive. Happy? Let's see . . . .

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Mary McCann Back on the Air

In keeping with the family tradition of multiple part-time jobs, Mary McCann, has snared another radio gig. Along with djing Sunday afternoons on Seattle oldie station B97.3, Mary's now hosting the show on KPLU. Stream in Saturdays between 1:00 and 6:00 PM PST for jazz and NPR news. (But mostly jazz.)

And keep your eyes open for Friday radio gigs in the Pacific Northwest.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Western States Smoked Out

Due to wildfires burning all over northern California, the Western States 100 has been cancelled. All 2008 entrants are automatically enrolled next year, including Jimmy Freeman. As mentioned, Jimmy's been chasing the goal of completing this super-tough hundred-mile course for several years and it must be a stinging disappointment. (I know how I'd have felt if they'd cancelled Eugene the day before.)

Still, Jimmy is an optimist. After cursing and kicking things for a time, he'll find a silver lining.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

This Old Hill House

I'm rereading Shirley Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House. Having just mentioned Norm Abrams, I thought of writing a story in which the Yankee carpenter arrives to rehang the doors in a sprawling, evil mansion. Themes would include isolation, madness and proper use of safety goggles. Maybe next month.

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John P. McCann Sizzle Page

'Twas suggested I post a few episodes of my work in a pleasant spot. I've chosen here. Sadly, not everything I've written has y...