Showing posts with label Writing 2013. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Writing 2013. Show all posts

Thursday, May 30, 2013

So Long, Jack Vance

As a teen I once read an Ace Pocketbook my dad left lying around entitled Eyes of the Overworld. This fantasy tale was set on a future Earth beneath a weak red sun threatening to wink out momentarily. Life is precarious in this dangerous time when science and magic have crossbred. "Overworld" chronicles the doings of a crafty rogue named Cugel who burns every bridge he crosses and often falls prey to his overly clever schemes.

I rushed through the book, then read it again, the writing so compelling, the language so rich and unique, that I immediately became a fan of Jack Vance.

Vance was born the same year as my father and died Sunday at age 96. For over sixty years he wrote science fiction, fantasy and mysteries. He  won Hugo awards for The Dragon Masters and The Last Castle back in the day—both favorites. But my top Vance tales  remained those such as "Overworld," set in a time called The Dying Earth.

As authors go, Vance was quite a character. A blue collar guy who lived in Oakland, California, he believed the sci fi author's role should be muted in terms of publicity so as not to impose his personality between the reader and the world the author had created. He claimed to be in it for the money and never read science fiction. -

 Looking back on my own stories, I often find a turn-of-phrase, an ironic description, a subtle underselling of scene or character that are stamped into my writing genes thanks to many decades of reading Jack Vance.

So journey well, Jack. You were a guy who just wanted to turn a buck telling tales.

I should be so fortunate.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Thanks David Linden for the "Death Honk" Nod

Years pass and I gradually remember my manners. My short story about the nature of job interviews as told through a struggle between clowns and bears has been experiencing a small revival since publication in 2010.
At the time, I failed to credit scientist and author David Linden for recommending "Death Honk" to his blog readers. I remedy that now. Thanks, David. Be on the lookout for a companion piece involving rednecks and plague-infested monkeys. 

Number 2 on Google But Why?

Briefly this morning I held the number 2 rank on Google for Wattpads, a position I neither sought nor refused. Curious ranking for a man with generally microscopic page views. What would cause this?

UPDATE: Customization was mentioned as a possible reason. But to what end? I wanted Wattpad, not any mention I ever made about Wattpad.  Ah, but it's gone now. Were it not for the screen shot I would doubt my sanity in this matter.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Work Backwards From Your Deadline


This and other useful tips on wringing the most from your writing time are available courtesy of the Publication Coach.

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Elmore Leonard's Rules of Writing

Image: Listmaker
Tips from a guy who has written a couple of novels including a book on writing.
  1.  Never open a book with weather.
  2.  Avoid prologues.
  3.  Never use a verb other than "said" to carry dialogue.
  4.  Never use an adverb to modify the verb "said”…he admonished gravely.
  5.  Know that if you're me, anything you write will be made into a movie. Anything. Seriously, anything.  (I added this one.)
And, of course, his famous advice:
"If it sounds like writing, I re-write it."

Thursday, May 02, 2013

My Writing Schedule

Since it now consumes the bulk of my day, here's a peek into my authorial life:

1. Get up around 4:45 and write down my goals for 2013, including publishing 3 ebooks on by Dec. 1.

2. Write for an hour before breakfast.

3. Write four to five more hours.

4. Go to the gym.

5. Write another hour.

6. Spend an hour researching the ebook biz.

7. Eat dinner.

8. Watch an hour of reality show crime TV.

9. Go to bed by 9:30.

That's five days a week, with only two hours of writing and one hour of researching on Saturday. On Sunday I clean off my desk, pay the bills, and write out the next week's schedule. I will have three finished ebooks—probably two novellas and a novel—written by Thanksgiving. No one is making me do this. No one is paying me to do this. But there has never been a better time to be an author. Ebooks have changed the publishing landscape. I'm climbing on board before head implants replace the Kindle.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I Live and Do Things!

Yes, it's true. So many new things. Too many to discuss right now, but soon. If it weren't for those new things, other things would creep up and take their place so I'm grateful. Are home fries the little potato cubes?

Sunday, February 17, 2013

I Am An Absentee Bloglord

For a reason, mind you. This year, 2013, I have set myself a task. Three ebooks written and published by Dec. 31, 2013. This task yields to paying work in either TV animation or marketing but is never dropped. So far, I've managed to stay on schedule, weaving my daily hours around paying gigs. To date, I've discovered that six hours of heads-down writing is about all I can muster. Afterwards, my mind is as clouded and thick as the skull of an animation industry junior executive.

I have taken one class on ebook publishing and am slated to take another in March. An assembly line process seems to work best. I complete a draft, then move on to the next book. There are two short stories mixed in for change-of-pace and to allow me to savor smaller accomplishments.

In any case, wish me well on this hefty endeavour.

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'Twas suggested I post a few episodes of my work in a pleasant spot. I've chosen here. Sadly, not everything I've written has y...